Not all people from birth have straight and aesthetically beautiful teeth, in addition, throughout life, for various reasons, they can change their shape and color. Dentistry is able to solve all issues related to the treatment and restoration of teeth. It is possible to restore the appearance and functionality of the dentition with the help of restoration. A brilliant smile not only disposes your interlocutors to dialogue but also makes you a more open and sociable person. There are two ways to restore the natural appearance of the dentition:
Restoration of teeth in Broward
direct teeth restoration of lost parts of teeth using special materials: photopolymers. The dentist first recreates the shape of the tooth. Then, at the stage of light influence (irradiation with a flux of photons of a certain wavelength), this material is polymerized, which helps to give it the strength of natural bone. This method is more gentle when carrying out this type of work;
indirect – restoration with the help of manufactured fragments of teeth: dentures (removable and non-removable), onlays, inlays, pins, crowns. The material for the manufacture of removable dentures is plastic copies of the jaw, which are attached to hooks, buttons, and more. Fixed prostheses – bridges and artificial crowns, are made on the basis of an implantable post, on which they are installed. The most popular of them are metal-ceramic, ideally imitating a living tooth and affordable. This method allows, in case of complete loss of teeth, not only to reproduce the lost units of the dentition with a high degree of functionality but also to exclude their wear and tear in the future.