Root Canal Treatment

The procedure includes the removal of damaged tooth tissue (pulp), as well as its cleaning and disinfection, after that a sealing is preformed. Common causes of pulp damage are tooth cracking, deep cavity, frequent dental work on the tooth, or tooth damage. The term “root canal treatment” refers to the procedure for cleaning the root canals of a tooth.


Several decades ago, endodontic treatment was a painful procedure. Today, thanks to advances in dentistry and the use of local anesthetics, most patients experience little or no pain in root canal treatment.


Endodontic treatment includes a number of stages that are carried out within several visits to the dentist, depending on the specific situation. These steps include:

  • Endodontic examination and x-ray scanning of the tooth, after which Dr Bennett usually injects a local anesthetic.

  • Typically, a rubber dam is placed over the damaged tooth to isolate the tooth and prevent saliva from flowing to it. An endodontist makes a hole through the back of the anterior tooth or the crown of the molar or premolar to remove the diseased pulp. The stage of the operation is called “pulp extraction”.


The next step is to clean the pulp chamber and root canals and shape them to prepare for filling.


The endodontist fills the root canal with gutta-percha material.


If a second visit is required, a temporary filling is placed through the hole in the crown of the tooth to protect the tooth between visits. Subsequently, the temporary filling is removed, and the pulp chamber and root canal are filled with a permanent filling material from gutta-percha and sealed with cement. Sometimes a metal or plastic rod (pin) is inserted into the channel to create support. At the final stage, a crown can be installed to restore the natural shape and appearance of the tooth. If a tooth is fractured, a post may be required to strengthen it before placing a crown on it. Crowns help a root canal from fracturing in the future. 

However, cavity can develop in the treated tooth, and therefore, in order to prevent possible problems in the future, it is necessary to carefully observe the rules of oral hygiene and regularly undergo a preventive examination by a dentist to catch tooth cavities in early stage before they turn into root canals.

Affordable Dentistry of Coral Springs offers all dental procedures under the same roof. We offer same day treatments and appointments. Please call at (786) 440-4849.