Panoramic X-ray
Any modern dental clinic that guarantees a high quality of service cannot satisfied without special X-ray equipment.
One of the basic types of research in dentistry is panoramic dental images. The pano x-xray allow obtaining data for diagnosing and preparing patients for various types of dental cases: prosthetics, correcting malocclusion, tooth extraction, determining the presence of damage to the jawbone tissue, dental implant placing, etc. High-quality images make it possible not only to determine accurate diagnoses, but also to plan further dental treatment.
A panoramic image of the teeth allows you to effectively visualize the dentition, as well as determine the density and thickness of the bone. This diagnostic method makes it possible to diagnose pathologies of the entire joint.
A well-performed fluoroscopy allows you to determine:
- the correctness of the treatment;
- the shape of the cavity under the filling;
- quality of canal filling;
- the lance and the tightness of the filling material.
After only a few seconds, the X-ray equipment is capable of producing an image that the dentist can use to:
- calculate a treatment plan for the oral cavity;
- control the quality of installation of existing seals;
- determine the topography for any of the teeth;
- to reveal the mistakes made in the previous treatment;
- predict the results of dental surgery and therapy.
Please give us a call to schedule your dental appointment. You can check our prices online here