Dental restoration is a specially developed technology that allows you to repeat the initial natural structure of the patient’s dentition. When imitating dental tissues, several types of artificial materials are used. Such a service in Coral Springs, as the restoration of teeth, will allow you to correct not only congenital disorders of the teeth (their appearance, position), but also to eliminate the acquired consequences of life, that is:
– loss of the coronal part of the tooth during trauma;
– roughness of the coronal part of the tooth;
– color changes;
– the wear and tear that has appeared with age.
It is known that dental restoration is always more expensive than prevention and timely treatment. The fear of the dental office leftover from childhood makes it difficult to seek help in time, avoiding preventive examinations 2 times a year and the often necessary treatment of a crumbling dental stronghold, bringing it to a deplorable state. The way out of this extreme situation is the restoration of teeth, which can be performed with high quality and for many years in our dental clinic.