Tooth decay is not an easy disease. At an early stage, it is almost asymptomatic. However, if the caries is left untreated, it develops into pulpitis, and the patient develops an insurmountable toothache.
What is pulpitis and how to understand if you have it?
Pulpitis can do several things at the same time: cause severe toothache, destroy the dental nerve, and even cause inflammation inside the tooth canal. If we talk about pulpitis as a pathology, then this disease is nothing more than an inflammatory process in the pulp – inflammation of the tooth nerve and blood vessels that feed the tooth. Pulpitis requires immediate treatment. We call it Root Canal Treatment.
Pulpitis treatment
One of the earliest symptoms of pulpitis is a sharp toothache that occurs when eating cold and hot food. It appears abruptly and also abruptly passes. Also, depending on the stage and form of pulpitis, other symptoms may occur.
The main symptoms of pulpitis
– Acute toothache as a response to hot and cold food or drinks;
– Periodic aching pain in the tooth that spreads to the adjacent teeth, jaw, ear;
– Sharp pain that comes on suddenly, often at night;
– Slightly dull enamel color.
Treatment of dental pulpitis, in contrast to the treatment of superficial caries, is a more complicated process, therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, we recommend that you seek help from a professional dentist.
The causes of pulpitis and the prevention of the disease
There may be several reasons for the development of pulpitis. Most often, it develops against the background of progressive caries. When an infection enters the tooth through an overgrown carious cavity. Because of this, inflammation of the dental pulp occurs, the treatment of which must be carried out the sooner the better. With the progression of pulpitis, the nutrition of the tooth stops and the tooth becomes “dead” or is completely destroyed.
5 reasons that can lead to pulpitis:
1. Timely not cured caries;
2. Untreated tooth decay, such as under a filling or crown
3. Tooth trauma;
4. Teeth abrasion;
5. Infection of the dental canals through the blood.
What to do so that you do not have to pay for Root Canal Treatment.
Monitor oral hygiene: use floss, brush your teeth twice a day, use a rinse for teeth and gums.
Visit the dentist every six months for a routine check-up. The doctor will be able to identify caries in the early stages and cure it.
Do professional teeth cleaning once every six months or once a year. This allows you to eliminate the fossilized plaque – the main cause of tooth decay.
In the Affordable Dentistry of Coral Springs, we not only treat pulpitis without pain but also carry out procedures for its prevention – professional examination and hygienic teeth cleaning. We are waiting for you in our dental office!
Types of pulpitis and its complications
Dental disease such as pulpitis occurs in two sequential forms:
Acute form. It occurs after the infection has penetrated the pulp. Lasts several days or weeks. Symptomatically, the acute form of pulpitis manifests itself first in the form of a sharp toothache, painful reactions to cold and hot food. A few days after infection of the pulp, pain can occur suddenly and be felt not only in the area of the diseased tooth but also spread to the entire jaw.
Chronic form. If acute pulpitis is not treated, but only to relieve toothache with the help of pain relievers, the acute form of the disease flows into the chronic one. The dental nerve and internal tissues of the pulp are gradually destroyed, the inflammation goes beyond the root canals, the next stage occurs – periodontitis, the gum swells in the area of the tooth, and purulent discharge appears. In the absence of further treatment of purulent pulpitis, the tooth loses its nutrition, the enamel becomes dull. This can lead to complete tooth loss.
Are you in pain? Simply call our dental office in Coral Springs at (786)440-4948